
Just Another Entry

The staff woke up this morning prepared for an excursion to the Imperial Palace and Asakusa. And read the theory problems on the bus in preparation for tonight’s jury session -.-

We obtained fortunes (omikuji). Will was blessed with small fortune, online Anne received ‘regular’ fortune and Tristan got bad fortune. Which he tied to a tree and hopefully it will blow away in the wind. And Will wore his shirt inside out.

Meanwhile, ailment the students did their prac exam today. Yay! They just finished a few hours ago and we hope they enjoyed it =P

  1. Super swell.
    What was on the prac exam? Did they get to do anything particularly AWESOME?

    (comment on the more recent post that you can’t comment on)
    we’ve got more posts than the US team though. Think ours is better. even though the squid ink pizza was cool.